Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Steam Cup 212

The real Recipe is "Yoghurt Steam Cup 212 by Riana Ambarsari" but when i check my refrigerator that's no Yoghurt there, so i change yoghurt to non dairy whip cream. The texture of this cake is soft ,cloudy, sweet and very easy to make it.

Steamed Cup 212

1.Bring your steamer to boil.
2.In a mixing bowl, beat together:
2 cups sugar ( yeni use 1 1/2 cup )
1 tsp emulsifier
2 cups flour
1 cup fresh yoghurt (thick) ( yeni use Whip cream )
2 eggs
3.Beat all of them together until the batter becomes pale, thick, and the whisk leaves a vivid trail when stirring through the batter.
4.Spare some batter for the chocolate topping (about 3-5 Tbsp), mix it with a little cocoa powder.
5.Drop the white batter into Bolu Kukus cups, then drop a teaspoon of chocolate batter on top of every cup. Steam for about 12-15 minutes.

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