Tako means octopus in Japanese, and takoyaki are known as octopus balls. Takoyaki venders are very popular in Japan specially from Kansai, Tokyo and Osaka.ALmost every house in Japan have grill of Takoyaki
Takoyaki is the small, round cousin of okonomiyaki, and like okonomiyaki it originated in Osaka. It’s basically a flavored batter with a tiny piece of octopus (tako) inside, and is a quintessential street food snack.

Okonomiyaki Sauce, can be used as Takoyaki Sauce .

Katsuo Bushi
Katsuo Bushi made from Fish cakalang. Dried bonito flakes, are also rich in minerals, vitamins and protein. The flakes are made by shaving wispy thin flakes with a special tool from a bonito fish that has been filleted, boned, boiled, smoked, and dried in the sun.The flakes are wonderful and rich in smoky flavor
Have 2 type , powder or slices .

Dashi is the basic soup stock used in Japanese cooking . There are instant dashi granules , you can find at Japanese supermarket but if you want to make it ,there are basic ingredients for making dashi. One is shaved bonito flakes, called katsuo bushi.Dried kombu seaweed is the second ingredient. You can using bonito flakes and kombu and cold water, this is also called ichiban-dashi.

Tenkasu : cereal rice crispy .
This is Takoyaki grill, but if you don't have , you can used Poffertjes pan, can be buy at tradisional market in indonesia.

Japanese Recipes
modif by yeni
.1 2/3 cup flour
•2 1/2 cup dashi soup
•2 eggs
•1/2 lb. boiled octopus, cut into bite-size pieces
•1/4 cup chopped green onion
•1/4 cup chopped pickled red ginger
•1/4 cup dried sakura ebi (red shrimp) *optional
1/4 cup Tenkasu ( yeni -used )
•*For toppings:
•katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)
•aonori (green seaweed powder)
•Worcestershire sauce or takoyaki sauce
Mix flour, dashi soup, and eggs in a bowl to make batter. Thickness of the batter should be like potage soup. Preheat a takoyaki pan and grease the molds. Pour batter into the molds to the full. Put octopus, red ginger, green onion, and dried red shrimp in each mold. Grill takoyaki balls, flipping with a pick to make balls. When browned, remove takoyaki from the pan and place on a plate. Put sauce and mayonnaise on top and sprinkle bonito flakes and aonori over.
*makes 4 servings
5 komentar:
saya suka takoyakiiiiiiiiiiii...kalo makan suka lupa daratan...heheheheheh....penasaran pengen coba bikin...tapi blm ada peralatannya euy....jadinya selalu beli jadi deeeeh
yummy bangettt takoyaki nya mba yen...
bawa lagi ya mom... hehehehe
mba meinekueche, cetakannya pake cetakan poffertjes juga bisa kok.
Siip, gw ada rencana bikin lagi ( kalau malesnya gak kumat he..he.. )nanti gw bawa lagi kekantor yach
Sory numpang tnya neh..
Beli saus okonomiyaki itu dimana n toko apa ya?
Saya cari2 di supermarket tidak ada..
Mohon bntuannya..
Terima kasih sebelumnya..
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